If you’ve ever been on a golf course, you’ve probably heard the term “fore.” This is a word that’s shouted to alert people around you that a shot could go in their direction. This is a very important piece of etiquette for anyone who plays golf. If you don’t heed the word fore, you could be hit by an errant ball and suffer serious injuries. So, if you hear the word fore, be sure to cover your eyes and head.
What is the Meaning of Golf Fore?
While there’s some ambiguity to the etymology of “fore,” most people agree that it means something like “watch out!” or “heads up!” It’s used in golfing to warn others around you that a shot may be headed their way.
The reason why golfers need to yell fore is because of the high speed at which a golf ball can travel. Even a short distance away, an errant shot can cause injuries to a spectator or player. It’s very common to see players in the gallery get hit by errant shots, and many of these injuries are severe.
Golfers often use spotters to help them identify the area of the course where their shot will land. Usually, these people are volunteers that live in the area of the tournament and pay to participate. They are very helpful for the golfers, but they don’t always succeed at warning spectators in the crowd of where the shot is going. The best way to protect yourself is to listen for the word fore, and immediately crouch down with your face covered.
When a golfer shouts fore, you should immediately cover your eyes and head with your arms. This is the best way to avoid getting hit by an errant ball, and it will not disrupt your game too much. A golf shot only lasts for a few seconds, so it shouldn’t take long to cover yourself.
Some people believe that yelling fore is a reminder of the musket days when soldiers would shout to those behind them to keep their heads down. However, this theory is not supported by any historical evidence. The fact is that golfers yell fore because it’s simply the best way to warn others that a shot may be heading their way.
While every golfer should be aware of the dangers of an errant shot, it’s especially important for professional players to yell fore. The speed at which these professionals play can be staggering, and a bad shot could hurt a spectator or even kill them! If you want to learn more about golfing etiquette, check out our article on the Rules of Golf. We also have a video that shows you how to check-in for your tee time so you’re prepared for the day. You can also sign up for our newsletter to receive special offers, free giveaways and once-in-a-lifetime deals. We’d love to have you join us!