A golf journal is a great way to keep track of all aspects of your game. It allows you to jot down your progress, struggles and impressions after every practice session or round of golf. You can even record things that went well to help you remember what it is that you are doing right. This information can be incredibly useful, especially when used in conjunction with your coach. You can take a more old school approach by using a physical notebook or you can log your sessions digitally via an app such as Golf Buddy.
Both approaches can be effective – and both have their pros and cons. A physical journal is great because you can write in it more slowly and research shows that your subconscious mind picks up on the words written in your own handwriting. However, you may be concerned about losing your journal or you might not like carrying around a physical book in your bag. For those reasons, there are a lot of people that prefer to use an online version of a golf journal.
Luckily, two amazing golf journals have emerged to meet this demand – the Golfer’s Journal and McKellar. Both publications are very different but they share one common trait – they are for golfers who really love the game. They offer a level of insight that is not available anywhere else. Both are filled with high-quality photos and articles that are long enough to really get a feel for what makes the game so unique.
The editorial style is completely in contrast to anything you’ll find in a traditional golf magazine. You won’t see any recycled swing tips, recent PGA Tour news or fluffed up product reviews here. Instead, there are stories about how golfers can relate to their own journeys in life through the game. Whether it’s the story of a caddy who is learning to be a father or an examination of how a muni’s fortunes can vary in America, the Golfer’s Journal has something for everyone who loves golf.
It also does a fantastic job of creating a community. They have a website where they host events for their subscribers and they have their own hashtag that golfers use to share the work of their incredible photographers. In addition, they have a podcast that dives deeper into some of the topics brought to light in the journal.
The Golfer’s Journal is a must-read for any golfer who wants to discover the depths of this amazing game. Their tagline – “Golf in its purest form” – is right on the money and they have produced an inaugural issue that’s truly page-turning. You can order your own copy of the Golfer’s Journal by clicking here.