The Golf Meme Craze Continues to Rise
If you love playing golf, then you have probably encountered a golf meme or two. They are everywhere, and they are completely useless if used judiciously. A golf Meme is nothing more than a thought process that is passed through your mind during a moment of extreme frustration or joy. As the name suggests, a golf Meme passes through your head during a moment of heightened emotions and is drawn from these thoughts to form a random association or comparison. This is the origin of the annoying “joke” that has been attached to golf.
A golf meme is a golf phrase or saying that has been altered slightly to make it a more pleasing for the common man. Unfortunately for the user, the intended meaning has been lost somewhere along the way. A golf meme often lures you into with a supercilious chip shot for birdie and then immediately dash your hopes for a solid triple bogey with an immaculate triple nine. Arguably one of golf’s toughest sports, golf is constantly met with a recent spurt in growth simply because thousands upon thousands of tired, sweaty, and frustrated people are desperate for some action… Anything to occupy their time away from the screen set, phone, etc.
What makes these golf Memes so great is that they are generally pure gold. There are no morals, no agendas, no sly references. The images are truly pure works of art. They come from real life players who were truly exhausted and in dire need of a break. They are funny golf pics taken at various shots across the fairway. And just to add to the hilarity, golf players often post the pictures on their blogs, Facebook pages, MySpace profiles, and anything else they can think of to do with golfing in general.
It seems as if golf is going to go full swing anytime soon. Judging by the rising number of golf courses slated to be built across the country, and the rising cost of having one put in, we could see many more golf-themed events popping up in schools, community centers, and anywhere else you can think of in the near future. With this said, I am sure that the golf genre of any given sport will continue to grow. As we move forward with newer, more innovative ways to entertain ourselves while still working our way around the green, golf will be right there along with baseball, basketball, and football in terms of popularity. This, of course, only means that the golf meme will continue to grow in size and influence.
I think that it would be cool if there was an ultimate and perfect golf definition for everyone. I just know that for me, I prefer the funny golf pictures that I have seen floating around the internet. They are often just as good if not better than the actual sport. Some people seem to think that a golf definition is so strict that it limits artistic freedom, but that really isn’t true. Sure, some restrictions do exist, but you can still find plenty of creativity when it comes to creating your own golf Meme.
Now, I guess that my main purpose in writing this article was to give you an idea of how easy it is to create your own golf Meme, or at least come up with one. There are plenty of easy steps, just as there are plenty of tools to help get the job done. All you need is a strong desire, the ability to use your imagination, and the ability to pointlessly paste random images into a web page. With these traits, you should have no trouble coming up with your own unique and funny golf photos that you can share with friends and fellow golfers.