The World Golf Hall of Fame has been located in World Golf Village in St. Augustine, Florida, within the United States, and is the most unique among sports halls of Fame in that only a single location honors both people and golfing teams. It is sponsored by a cluster of 26 golf clubs from around the world. It is jointly supported by the US Open Golf Championship and the US Ladies Golf Association. This honor is bestowed on those who, after having met minimum qualifications, have served the maximum number of years in the said position. The induction into the Hall of Fame has to be preceded by a lengthy background study, which usually takes about a year and a half.
It must be remembered that the players on the cover of the Golf Hall of Fame are chosen on the basis of their contribution to the sport by the other players, their performances on the course, their contributions to their clubs and their overall contributions to the game. Then, based on these criteria, they receive an honorary citation with a seal of approval from the inductees’ association. Each player has a background study that he or she must complete before being considered for inclusion on the Hall of Fame. Once inducted, the persons chosen for the said position are allowed to participate in the induction festivities, along with their immediate family members and immediate golfing partners.
The players chosen for the Hall of Fame are chosen on the basis of a strict formula that takes into account the age (playing age), ranking, accomplishments, competition results and the impact that such people had on the development of golfing as a sport and game. The inductees can be classified according to the following five categories: Junior Professionals, Regular players, Veterans, Coach and Contributor/ inducer of a new or emerging player. However, it should be noted that there are certain inherent exclusivity rules laid down by the governing body.
It is the role of the LPGA to monitor the induction of players into the Hall of Fame. In addition to doing this, they also conduct an annual exhibition or tournament so that golfers from different parts of the world can get to know each other. This yearly event, the “World Tour Championship,” for example, attracts some of the top players in the world to a single destination for two days. As part of the induction process, the LPGA also conducts a test golf round and a player to test golf round during the exhibition.
For over forty years, the induction of golfing stars into the LPGA has been a subject of great debate. There have been instances when the inductees were controversial because of their politics. John F. Kennedy, for example, was elected in 1960 but later turned against the process and raised questions about its fairness. As a compromise, the LPGA introduced a rule that required a woman player to run a full fifty meters between shots. But these changes did not end the contention over which players should be inducted.
The induction of inductees is based on the principle that it’s more fun for golfers to play with golf legends rather than just watch them. To make sure that inductees are chosen out of their peers, the LPGA keeps track of the opinions of the players, their instructors, their family and friends. Every year, the LPGA puts together an all-star game to select the best player on each tourney out of a pool of over one hundred players.