Golf Digest is an independent monthly golf magazine printed by Discovery, Inc. It’s a generalist golf magazine covering both women’s and men’s competitive golf and more general golfing news. The best golf tips are gathered into this convenient bimonthly magazine.
For those of you who don’t have access to the internet, Golf Digest has all the golfing information you need at your fingertips. I’ve been a fan of golf magazines for a number of years now and golf digest is one of my favorites. One of the things that I enjoy most about golf digest it reviews courses with expert golf writers from all over the world. These writers often have played similar golf styles but have different strokes, of course, and they each contribute their own take on what’s best in modern golf. Not only will you learn about some of the great courses around the world, but you’ll also find out about new trends in golf, latest news in the game, and even insider advice about your favorite players or courses.
As one of the authors of golf digest, I get to be involved in so many different activities from reading to writing. I’m on the editorial board of three major magazines (American Golf Magazine, Golf Digest, and Golf USA) and am also the editor-in-chief of another one (The Sporting News). In addition, I am a contributor to numerous books, including a book about golf club fitting. My main focus is golf course rankings. In fact, when I finish up my current magazine article I’ll be writing an article for PGA Tour Live Magazine about course rankings.
As one of the top editors-in-chief and golf digest author, I can honestly say that this past month has been an interesting year. With the advent of televised PGA tournaments on Fox, Golf Digest has had to change how it does business. The first thing I did was hire a marketing and advertising firm to help with promoting our next issue. And since the golf industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, I’ve had to re-evaluate how we do business. Our company is now a global one, with us publishing in over thirty languages in thirty-five countries around the world.
Because of this global scale, it’s very important for me as the editor-in-chief and golf media leader to have a good understanding of the cultures and communities outside of the United States where our content will be published. This past month we did a three-week project in India and South Africa, traveling to these two nations in order to report on the experiences of golfers, tour pros, tournament pros, course builders, retailers, agents, golf store owners, and other professionals in these two countries. We met with government officials, reserve officials, golf course managers, and retailers and discussed how golf Digest could expand its presence beyond the United States.
This experience has been extremely important to my vision for the future of the Golf Digest business. As editor-in-chief of this internationally renowned magazine, I am in charge of trying to keep it at the cutting edge of our industry by maintaining our company’s world-class standard of excellence, while also projecting the company into new markets. My goal is to bring this magazine into all the communities in which we do business and to extend our presence into the more remote areas of the world where our promotional efforts have historically failed. I am also tasked with learning how to best reach these communities so that we can continue our expansion into new markets, which I believe will strengthen our company’s ability to expand its offerings and grow our membership. I look forward to continuing conversations with you as we continue to build upon the strengths of our company in the world-class magazine industry.